A guava can cure your cough and cold

Do you know that a guava can cure your cough and cold!!
It is an ancient cough and cold remedy given in winters (since back then fruits used to be  strictly seasonal) in some villages of India.
A guava can cure your cough and cold
Let's see how a guava can cure your cough and cold;

In ancient times a guava was buried into the ashes immediately after combusting the flames of chulas and sigdis. When the ashes became lukewarm, guava was removed and eaten warm.
But nowadays, food is hardly cooked on chulas and sigdis. So what to do?
  • Place a guava on a thick pan and keep it on low flame. 
  • Keep on rolling the guava occasionally. 
  • When the guava becomes brown switch off the flames. 
  • Eat warm.
Do not heat guava directly on the flame as it will soon become black and it will not get heated properly from inside. Slow heat works good.
So try this traditional method to cure your cough and cold!!
